Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yesterday, my oldest child asked me whether I thought it was better to go to co-ed school or a same sex school. I pondered the question a good while because I am really unsure how I feel about it. I had the opportunity to do both. Most of my schooling I went to public, co-ed schools but I graduated High School from St. Mary’s Episcopal School, which was at the time, an all girls school. I really enjoyed not putting makeup on, worrying about what I was wearing and just going to class to focus on the subject. Even though it was all girls school a lot the girls did still put on makeup and worry about what they were wearing, but not me. I made really good grades that year. But as my daughter asked, "How do you learn to get along with boys if you’re not around them a lot?" Good question, I said. I guess I liked the way I had did it - a little bit of both.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Court Hours

Effective immediately no hearings are being set that are expected to last after 4:00 p.m. This is to prevent the potential payment of overtime to Court house personnel like our bailiffs and clerks. The budget cuts are clearly having a direct impact on the administration of justice. While this one hour time cut may not seem like much, I think it will really have a big impact. Just yesterday the first date I could get for a 1 day trial was April 28th, more than three months out. While litigants virtually beg for quick resolution of their cases, these cuts, while they may be financially necessary, will slow down the process even more. It will be hard lesson in patience.