Friday, December 26, 2008

Domestic Violence Injunction

Unfortunately domestic violence occurs and it happens across the spectrum regardless of race, socio-economic level, ethnicity etc... Filing for an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence is often a victim’s attempt to end the contact and get some peace. The Clerk's office has a very good video that describes the process. Most people file for Injunctions without lawyers though many thereafter hire a lawyer to help them through the rest of the process. Injunctions are an absolute necessity in some instances but there are a few occasions where I have also seen them used improperly. It is very disheartening to see some people use them to try to gain a quick and easy custody decision rather than for their real purpose. I do think the Court is pretty good at weeding out the bad filings but it really is waste of everyone’s time and the Court’s resources to have to sort those out. If you know someone who is the victim of domestic violence suggest they call the local abuse resource which here in Pinellas County is C.A.S.A. They can help you form a safety plan and give you some factors to consider in whether or not to file an Injunction.

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