Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Parenting Plans

Effective October 1st new law goes into effect regarding what is commonly referred to as custody. I say commonly because the current legal terms do not provide for that designation but rather for primary and secondary residential care. The new language change will do away with the terms "primary" and "secondary" residential parent. Instead the Court will devise a parenting plan that will address, among other things, the details of the time-sharing arrangement. The idea is to make the legal designation less of a win-lose but rather start with the notion that both parents will work together and then just try to define who will do what when. I think the idea behind the change is noble but I wonder how parents generally will take to it. Even now custody should not be seen as a win-lose and yet sometimes I have people say just that to me. Pinellas County Circuit Judge John Lenderman has provided the local bar associations sample blank plans and I hope to post or link one on this blog in the near future. It is my understanding that even old cases seeking modification if heard after October 1st will be required to submit the parenting plan so it is something anyone involved in this arena needs to look at closely.

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